Artistname: Savaga Scream / DJ Mizuki |
Location: Japan |
Webpage: http://mizuki.evilfuckers.org/ |
Webpage: http://shenkulu.fc2web.com/ |
Savage Scream is a soloproject from Mizuki. Mizuki from Japan will go far and make alot of people freak out! Beside his solo projects he has many other projects in collabaration. This is real underground stuff from the land of the rising sun!!! |
Savage Scream - (Dj Mizuki Solo Project/Dark Evil Twisted Psy)
Psyfix - (Dj Mizuki Solo Project/Emotional Melodic Psy)
Nyarlthotep - (Mizuki & Galaxy Madness/Dark Evil Psy Projects)
Baal - (Mizuki & Noise Gust/Dark Evil Psy Projects)
Yasagure Pan Nakotta - (Mizuki & Shineko-San/Nostalgic & Melancholic Psy Projects )
Savajun - (Mizuki & Jun/Dark Evil Psy Projects) |