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Name: Chrysalid (Virginie Scheerens)
Location: France
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/zoewheeling39zchrysalid

VIRGINIE SCHEERENS aka CHRYSALID... PROJECT// ZOE WHEELING'Z (electro/fusion/psy) Djane CHRYSALID (Night/Dark psy trance) CHRYSALID, original from Paris and now living in Brittany, is the first label dj of Trishula Records. Her pure pychedelic set works especially during night times and you can expect a mix of the darkest & most frightening tunes.
Sometimes, She combines twisted psytrance with her own vocals leading to a dark, effectful atmosphere combined with stompin' grooves. Virginie started her career as a lead vocalist at the age of 17 with Jazz Fusion background. Over the years the trainings have followed one another allowing her to investigate other kinds of music such as Acid Jazz,hip hop,trip hop, Groove, Electro .She also touched drums and bass guitar in the past. This artist is a real musician, but As she has always been fascinated by machines, she decided in 2005 to buy a studio and compose her own musical pieces. "ZOE WHEELING'Z" PROJECT borned:A real mix of groove/trip hop/electro/psy let's say that it's some ELECTRO FUSION will come out of it, being combined to the feeling of her soooo groovy and warm voice. On the psytrance side,Together with Babajelly(JELLYHEADZ)made a new project named Vicious Alchemy (www.trishula-records.com)...( Now members work separatly) Electro/trance/jazz/trip hop/psychedelic music has been an integral part of her artistic aspirations.

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